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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-3bbbcb4f-a07a-4119-9591-0db962b05718 XWIKI-16298 Open

Possible browser cache issue with SSX/JSX when testing two different version of XWiki on the same server

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-ba419099-406c-4a12-9c26-03095b581c69 Raphaël Jakse on 16/Jul/24 12:29

I ran into this. Here are reproduction steps:

  • Create a 16.4.0 instance.
  • Edit the home page using the in-place editor.
  • Stop the 16.4.0 instance.
  • Create a 16.5.0 instance, using the same URL as a 16.4.0 one you used just before.
  • Using the in-place editor, clicking on "save" empties the page instead of saving the new content. The problem vanishes after clearing the cache.

The problem re-appears after stopping the 16.5.0 instance, starting the 16.4.0 one, clearing the cache, editing the page with the in-place editor, and then switching again to 16.5.0.