I debugged Extensions Rights and at least in the case of this one the problem comes from the fact that the admin is checking if the current user have edit right on XWiki.AdminExtensionRightsSheet before allowing to see it.
So it does not have much to do with the scope (it's just that this scope is the only way to have a custom admin listed in the page administration), but to the fact that the Configurable system assumes that all configuration pages are about modifying the configuration page itself...
Thomas Mortagne on 10/Oct/24 17:17
I debugged Extensions Rights and at least in the case of this one the problem comes from the fact that the admin is [ checking if the current user have edit right on XWiki.AdminExtensionRightsSheet|https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/xwiki-platform-16.8.0/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-administration/xwiki-platform-administration-ui/src/main/resources/XWiki/ConfigurableClass.xml#L109] before allowing to see it.
So it does not have much to do with the scope (it's just that this scope is the only way to have a custom admin listed in the page administration), but to the fact that the Configurable system assumes that all configuration pages are about modifying the configuration page itself...
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