Please note that this is affected by XWIKI-15149. Loading the CSSs directly from the jar is the proper way, but I've done my testing using a SSX as it was the only way prior to the fix from the aforementioned Jira.
I've done some testing with extensions to see if the upgrade would break anything else. Of the extensions that I've tested, everything went smoothly without any glaring issues. I'll dump some screenshots from these extensions at the end of this comment.
For the upgrade, as I've mentioned before, we need to load these three CSS from the 6.4.2 package, again in this order: - fontawesome.min.css - solid.min.css - brands.min.css ({*}not necessary{*}, but it will make more icons available) - v4-shims.css (this is the real important one as it handles the upgrade without changing v4 css class names)
{*}Important{*}: As we can see, support is needed to load multiple CSS in an Icon Theme for this upgrade to work
{*}Also Important{*}: Font Awesome don't recommend loading two versions of the package (v4 and v6) as it can lead to conflicts.
From here the new icons should be active, and no further changes are necessary.
*Problems* The only breaking issue that've found is with JSTree in the navigation panel. Other instances of JSTree, like in the breadcrumb and dashboard, seems to be fine. The problem occurs because this particular implementation calls for CSS classes that are copied over from FA4 and modified to jstree prefixes (in place of .fa and .fa-prefixes). The instances from the breadcrumb and dashboard call the CSS from FA properly.
!image-2023-11-08-07-07-44-518.png|width=240,height=212! h2. *Screenshots*
*Ext: Change Request*
*Ext: FAQ*
{*}Application Panel and JSTree{*}.
Note the issues in the Nav Panel and the correct version on breadcrumbs
*Page menu*
*Ext: Ratings*
These are custom icons and shouldn't be affect in the first place.
*Ext.: Forums*
Most of these are custom icons as well
!image-2023-11-08-07-06-41-212.png|width=179,height=530! |