Hi! I tested a workaround with the following steps on both local 15.0 and 15.5.4 instances: * I extracted the document-formats.js from the dedicated jar xwiki-platform-legacy-office-importer.jar from WEB-INF/lib (I also tried with just copying the document-formats.js locally from [here|https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/xwiki-platform-15.0/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-office/xwiki-platform-office-importer/src/main/resources/document-formats.js] and [here|https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/xwiki-platform-15.5.4/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-office/xwiki-platform-office-importer/src/main/resources/document-formats.js] ) * Modified the document-formats.js, HTML related section by changing the value {{"inputFamily": "WEB"}} to {{"inputFamily": "TEXT" and saved it.}}
{code:java} "name": "HTML", "extensions": [ "html" ], "mediaType": "text/html", "inputFamily": "TEXT", "storeProperties": { "SPREADSHEET": { "FilterName": "HTML (StarCalc)" }, {code} * Replaced the document-formats.js in the xwiki-platform-legacy-office-importer.jar from WEB-INF/lib (I also tried with the option to place the document-formats.js in the \xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-jetty-hsqldb-version\webapps\xwiki\WEB-INF\classes without modifying the xwiki-platform-legacy-office-importer.jar) * Restarted the local wiki (which has an active Office server) * Tried to import a local HTML file using the Import Office File option.
Expected result: the content from the file is imported as content of the page
Actual result: it fails to import. !image-2024-02-15-11-08-24-364.png|width=719,height=413!
Later edit that the conversion error is present on my side as well, in the logs, when trying to import the [^Test.html] . |