There are 2 updates, 2 comments.
Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-06389b05-042c-4e0f-86a6-db331e7a5949 BVERSION-8 Open

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2 updates

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-6419f287-a24d-425e-b423-b6d15cd27bd3 Changes by Mathieu Pace on 14/Jan/25 11:16
Attachment: image-2025-01-14-11-16-50-913.png
Attachment: image-2025-01-14-11-18-30-345.png


cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-6419f287-a24d-425e-b423-b6d15cd27bd3 Mathieu Pace on 14/Jan/25 11:19
  • Pages are now published:
    • either the unversioned page directly,
    • or the versioned content of a page,
  • variant macros are replaced by their content or deleted,
  • includeLibrary macros referencing master library are replaced by include macro referencing published library.

Here is a book page (version v2) with variant and includeLibrary macros, in the master space:


Here is the same page after publication, with selecting VariantA:


cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-6419f287-a24d-425e-b423-b6d15cd27bd3 Mathieu Pace on 14/Jan/25 11:20
* Pages Some transformations are now published done :
* either the unversioned page directly,
** or the versioned content of a page,
variant macros are replaced by their content or deleted,
* includeLibrary macros referencing master library are replaced by include macro referencing published library.

Here is a book page (version v2) with variant and includeLibrary macros, in the master space:


Here is the same page after publication, with selecting VariantA:
