Description: |
h1. Current situation: h2. Server hostname Even if you select the option of using an "external" libre office server, [the office importer tries to connect to "127.0.01"|https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/xwiki-platform-16.7.0/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-office/xwiki-platform-office-importer/src/main/java/org/xwiki/officeimporter/internal/server/DefaultOfficeServer.java#L136-L140], which is the [default setting in jodconverter|https://github.com/jodconverter/jodconverter/blob/master/jodconverter-local/src/main/java/org/jodconverter/local/office/ExternalOfficeManager.java#L60].
By adding the line {code}externalProcessOfficeManager.hostName("some other IP");{code} it would be possible to define an other server hostname.
h2. Shared folder LibreOffice importer uses {code}/tmp/xwiki-tmp{code} as a shared folder between XWiki and LibreOffice. It should be possible to specify the path of it, so we could use a mounted network folder instead.
h2. Consequences With the current state, it is difficult to create a Docker container free of LibreOffice, that will use an external LibreOffice (either on an other system or in an other container).
h1. Proposition Add new properties (in xwiki.properties or/and XWikiPreferences) to specify: * the libre office hostname * the shared folder path |