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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-7fbe15d5-f0f6-4a86-a5d9-8e4632a76b7b XWIKI-19299 Open

Create plain wiki pages using the in-place editor

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-90adb1c2-04da-4963-aaa2-310dab4b9d48 Vincent Massol on 06/Aug/24 15:45

Ideas from Marius:

The simplest solution is probably to:

Of course, the "downside" is that the page will be saved first, but that shouldn't be very surprising because you previously clicked on the Create button to create the page.

There will be some inconsistency with cases when in-place edit is not the default edit mode for the created page (e.g. because the user prefers the wiki editor). Faking the view mode of a missing (not yet saved / created) page to look as if it was saved, in order to have a seamless transition from inplace edit to view on save, doesn't seem easy to me.

Clicking on Edit / Create for a missing page should first load the missing page rendered with the contentview.vm template so that we can then load the in-place edit mode on it (e.g. we need to have the #xwikicontent div).
Doable, but with a bit more work than saving on create.