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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-b448f7ca-bf93-4307-b995-761bc85a5e78 XWIKI-20632 Closed

Page searched by its exact name is not found in a page picker for a macro parameter when its subtree is larger than 10 pages

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-7e678d27-12ae-45b2-a9d1-a96a6f073dc5 Anca Luca on 09/Jan/25 11:46

The issue was fixed by preventing the search from matching parents, as explained by Marius Dumitru Florea in the comment before me.

However, this fix makes it even harder to select a specific page when many pages match, XWIKI-16934, as it would not be possible to make alternate searches anymore by space name. As issue XWIKI-16934 mentions, we need a more fuzzy search, that can search both name and title and space, and multiple words that are not consecutive, etc.