Description: |
Here is a proposal for a new display of the menu of the Book version menu, with explanations about objectives below:
Principles: * group all book versions related information in a single ribbon , ( above the standard XWiki page display ) ** ribbon has a colored background so that the group is identified ** the differences between a page that is part of book versions and a page that is not is the presence of this ribbon * * it may not be possible to place the book versions menu where it's put in the screenshot, as there may not be a UIX there. If so, what we priviledge here is the grouping, even if we need to choose another placement) * separate the buttons on the right into 3: ** content adding button -> New page (same button as today, just displayed elsewhere) ** actions for the current page -> Book page (this contains the options that are currently under Versions menu -> Page actions group) ** actions for the whole book -> Book (this contains the 2 other groups, Manage and Publishing) ** ideally these last 2 buttons should have an arrow displayed next to them, to highlight that they have submenus) * For the information on the left (version, variant, language, status): ** provide have : *** an action (the current dropdown + label, because actions need to be named ) *** and a description of the currently displayed item: the text under, which could be moved next to the dropdown - to explore ** the description of the currently displayed item should be expressed in the form: " label: value " or just " label " , where label is a 1-2 words keyword, not a sentence *** have this text be as short as possible - if it's kept under it should be a single line. *** add a tooltop to the label or to the whole text that explains more in detail the meaning of the label **** we expect users to learn the semantic of the labels from the tooltips as they use the application , which is why we don't put and not need the whole explanation in tooltip anymore as they will recognize the text keyword / label.