Patrick Koska As far as I understand, Yeti is not a theme from the color theme extension, so this is not the same issue you're experiencing. (we should open a ticket on the project XWIKI with the Component Flamingo Theme). ___ I tried to reproduce the issue on a 15.9-SNAPSHOT and on a 16.0-SNAPSHOT (a bit after the 15.10-rc-1 release) and I could not achieve this result. Here are screenshots of my results: ___ Can you open a new ticket ont he Xwiki platform jira project, and provide more details about the bug? It would be helpful to know where those clashing styles are coming from:
- right click and inspect the accordeon element
- in the dev tools that just opened, there should be a "Style" section where you can find the CSS applied to the element you inspected.
- Find the place where the values `color` and `background-color` are set.
- Note theme down or just take a screenshot
Here is examples of what this process result would look like with Firefox and Chrome: Thanks, Lucas C. |