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Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-6af38b4f-408c-43a9-b8da-c7c6e340c27b BVERSION-136 Closed

Allow non-admin users to publish books

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-4eb6227c-932a-4077-8d92-19b4601a6a01 Clément Aubin on 13/Feb/25 09:26

I've used the following test plan to check if the rights behave properly :

  • Start from a blank instance
  • Create 1 user "User" with no particular rights
  • Install Book Versions API on the main wiki
  • *Verify that the Publication right is properly registered on the main wiki* ; do not assign the right to anybody
  • Create a sub-wiki
  • Install Book Versions UI on the sub-wiki
  • *Verify that the Publication right is properly registered on the sub wiki* ; do not assign the right to anybody
  • Create one book with the admin
  • Create a publication configuration where the book is published in a space of the main wiki
  • *Verify that the admin can publish the book (the admin has programming rights)*
  • *Verify that the user cannot publish the book*
  • Add publish rights to the user on the book space
  • *Verify that the user cannot publish the book (he still doesn't have rights on the target space)*
  • Add publish rights to the user on the target wiki (checking a bit of inheritance)
  • *Verify that the user can publish the book*
  • Restart the instance
  • Initialize the main wiki
  • *Verify that the publish right still displays properly in the main wiki*
  • Initialize the sub-wiki
  • *Verify that the publish right still displays properly in the sub-wiki*
  • *Verify that the user can still publish the book*
  • Build the extension in a new (higher) version : mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPOMs=false
  • Upgrade the API module on the main wiki
  • *Verify that the publish right still displays properly in the main wiki*
  • Upgrade the UI module on the sub-wiki
  • *Verify that the publish right still displays properly in the sub-wiki*
  • Drop publication right on the main wiki to the User
  • *Verify that the user cannot publish the book (he doesn't have rights on the target space)*