Use case: Created a class on . I want to display a livetable of this class' objects in some extension documentation. In order to do so, I tried to provide a cross wiki reference: ``` liveData id="iconMappings" properties="Iconname, Silkmapping" showPageSizeDropdown="false" sort="Iconname" source="liveTable" sourceParameters="className=xwiki:Documentation.DevGuide.FrontendResources.Icons.IconMappingClass"/liveData ``` This cross wiki reference is not found. A workaround Manuel Leduc found to still get some results is ``` 1{{liveData id="iconMappings" properties="Iconname, Silkmapping" showPageSizeDropdown="false" sort="Iconname" source="liveTable" sourceParameters="className=Documentation.DevGuide.FrontendResources.Icons.IconMappingClass&resultPage=xwiki:XWiki.LiveTableResults"}}/liveData ``` However, the escaping of entries with this workaround seems to be off. ____ As a user, I would have expected crossWiki references to work across a farm when defining liveDatas. |