IMPORTANT:Lucene support Chinese content search [ officially|]. So is Solr.
In xwiki, you should operate manully to support Chinese content search by these step:
1、make sure the version of Lucene(Solr) in the xwiki you choose.
check {*}[permanentDirectory]/store/solr/search/conf/solrconfig.xml{*}, you would find content like:
2、download the smartcn jar package related to corresponding lucene version in []
*lucene 9+ choose: lucene-analysis-smartcn/*
*lucene 4to8: choose: lucene-analyzers-smartcn/*
_example: for lucene 9.8.0 , I download []_
3、 put lucene-analysis-smartcn-X.X.X.jar in *[permanentDirectory]/store/solr/search/lib* (make sure the read permission for applicaiton running user)
4、edit {*}[permanentDirectory]{*}/store/solr/search/conf/managed-schema.xml (in xwiki 15 and older, it maybe named `managed-schema`, but it's also a XML file)