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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-47a82e82-c734-4be5-9171-9907a7d34641 XWIKI-21286 Open

Upgrade to JSqlParser 5.0

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-9d594f27-c624-49e2-8479-10cd62077d84 Changes by Thomas Mortagne on 09/Oct/24 17:00
Summary: Upgrade to JSqlParser 4 5 . 9 0
Description: See [] and more importantly migration migration47 .html and https://jsqlparser .

The AST API changed a lot
( so much that I would have expected a 5.0 instead of a 4.7...) so it's going to require some work. Fortunately, we don't seem to have any external dependency reusing jsqlparser, so it will mostly be about rewriting our own code.