This issue is mainly a problem when we do copy/past of method definition from the scripting documentation. The issue is that there are the char 'U+200B' between the method name and the parentheses.
This following tools can be used to see the issue: []
So let's see a concrete example. Let's take this following method (copied from the scripting doc):
{code:java} addAttachment(XWikiAttachment attachment) {code} If we put this in the [previous tools|[]] we have this:
{code:java} addAttachmentU+200B(XWikiAttachment attachment){code} We can also see this on the HTML code: {code:java} <span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#addAttachment(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiAttachment)">addAttachment</a></span>(<a href="XWikiAttachment.html" title="class in com.xpn.xwiki.doc">XWikiAttachment</a> attachment) {code} And if we put this in the [previous tools|[]] we can also detect it: {code:java} <span class="memberNameLink"><a href="#addAttachment(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiAttachment)">addAttachment</a></span>U+200B(<a href="XWikiAttachment.html" title="class in com.xpn.xwiki.doc">XWikiAttachment</a> attachment) {code} This issue happen mainly for all method so it's a generic issues for all part of the scripting doc.
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