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Confluence / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-e94a431b-6d05-4ea1-9f62-e271fed3d35f CONFLUENCE-255 Open

Unknown macro confluence_emoticon after migration from newer confluence versions

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-3e7efcf7-7437-48ca-b8c0-ce27810b42db Changes by Nikita Petrenko on 02/Jul/24 08:30
Attachment: error after migration.png
Attachment: broken emoticons after migration.png
Attachment: page with


cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-3e7efcf7-7437-48ca-b8c0-ce27810b42db Nikita Petrenko on 02/Jul/24 08:33
In Confluence 6.x the xml stores emoticons such:

<object class="BodyContent" package="com.atlassian.confluence.core">
    <id name="id">766148614</id>
    <property name="body"><![CDATA[<p>Flag as emoticon: <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":flag_ua:" ac:emoji-id="1f1fa-1f1e6" ac:emoji-fallback="πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦" />. More flags: <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":flag_white:" ac:emoji-id="1f3f3" ac:emoji-fallback="🏳️" /> <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":flag_black:" ac:emoji-id="1f3f4" ac:emoji-fallback="🏴" /> <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":checkered_flag:" ac:emoji-id="1f3c1" ac:emoji-fallback="🏁" /> <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":triangular_flag_on_post:" ac:emoji-id="1f6a9" ac:emoji-fallback="🚩" /> </p><p>More emojis <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":v:" ac:emoji-id="270c" ac:emoji-fallback="✌️" /> <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":x:" ac:emoji-id="274c" ac:emoji-fallback="❌" /> </p>

In Confluence 8.5.6

java xml }
<object class="BodyContent" package="com.atlassian.confluence.core">
    <id name="id">
163856 1048577 </id>
    <property name="body"

><![CDATA[<p>< ac:emoticon ac:name="victory hand" ac:emoji-id="270c" br /> < ac:emoticon ac:name="cross mark" ac:emoji-id="274c" / > <ac:emoticon ac:name="cross" /> </ p><p> Clipboard <ac:emoticon ac:name=" white flag clipboard "
ac:emoji-id=" 1f3f3 1f4cb " />   < ac:emoticon ac:name="black flag" ac:emoji-id="1f3f4" / p > < ac:emoticon ac:name="chequered flag" ac:emoji-id="1f3c1" / p > Thought balloon <ac:emoticon
ac:name=" triangular flag thought balloon " ac:emoji-id=" 1f6a9 1f4ad " />   </p><p> Check mark
<ac:emoticon ac:name=" flag: Ukraine check mark button " ac:emoji-id=" 1f1fa-1f1e6 2705 "
/> </p> <p ]] >< br / property
> </p>

That is what I have as source code of the page after migration from 8.5.6 (note that cancel icon is recognise after migration)

java none }

{{confluence_emoticon ac:name=" victory hand clipboard " ac:emoji-id=" 270c 1f4cb "/}} {{confluence_emoticon ac:name="cross mark" ac:emoji-id="274c"/}} ❌️

Thought balloon {{confluence_emoticon ac:name=" white flag thought balloon " ac:emoji-id=" 1f3f3 1f4ad "/}} {{confluence_emoticon ac:name="black flag" ac:emoji-id="1f3f4"/}} {{confluence_emoticon ac:name="chequered flag" ac:emoji-id="1f3c1"/}} {{confluence_emoticon ac:name="triangular flag" ac:emoji-id="1f6a9"/}}

Check mark button
{{confluence_emoticon ac:name=" flag: Ukraine check mark button " ac:emoji-id=" 1f1fa-1f1e6 2705 "/}}

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-3e7efcf7-7437-48ca-b8c0-ce27810b42db Nikita Petrenko on 02/Jul/24 08:39
In Confluence 6 7 .x the xml stores emoticons such:

java xml }
<object class="BodyContent" package="com.atlassian.confluence.core">
    <id name="id">
766148614 770342941 </id>
    <property name="body"><![CDATA[<p>
Flag as emoticon: Clipboard <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=": flag_ua clipboard :" ac:emoji-id=" 1f1fa-1f1e6 1f4cb " ac:emoji-fallback=" πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ“‹ " /> . More flags: < ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":flag_white:" ac:emoji-id="1f3f3" ac:emoji-fallback="🏳️" / p > < ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":flag_black:" ac:emoji-id="1f3f4" ac:emoji-fallback="🏴" / p > Thought balloon <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=": checkered_flag thought_balloon :" ac:emoji-id=" 1f3c1 1f4ad " ac:emoji-fallback=" 🏁 πŸ’­ " /> < ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":triangular_flag_on_post:" ac:emoji-id="1f6a9" ac:emoji-fallback="🚩" / > </ p><p> More emojis Check mark button <ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=": v white_check_mark :" ac:emoji-id=" 270c 2705 " ac:emoji-fallback=" ✌️ βœ… " /> < ac:emoticon ac:name="blue-star" ac:emoji-shortname=":x:" ac:emoji-id="274c" ac:emoji-fallback="❌" / p > ]]> </ p property >

In Confluence 8.5.6

<object class="BodyContent" package="com.atlassian.confluence.core">
        <id name="id">1048577</id>
        <property name="body"
            ><![CDATA[<p><br /></p><p>Clipboard <ac:emoticon ac:name="clipboard"
            ac:emoji-id="1f4cb" /> </p><p>Thought balloon <ac:emoticon
            ac:name="thought balloon" ac:emoji-id="1f4ad" /></p><p>Check mark
            button <ac:emoticon ac:name="check mark button" ac:emoji-id="2705"
            />  </p>]]></property

That is what I have as source code of the page after migration from 8.5.6 (note that cancel icon is recognise after migration)


Clipboard {{confluence_emoticon ac:name="clipboard" ac:emoji-id="1f4cb"/}}

Thought balloon {{confluence_emoticon ac:name="thought balloon" ac:emoji-id="1f4ad"/}}

Check mark button {{confluence_emoticon ac:name="check mark button" ac:emoji-id="2705"/}}  