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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-614227aa-9673-434b-bc1c-c40f1de01199 XWIKI-21114 Open

Page buttons background follows @breadcrumb-bg value

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-2a47c0eb-ab97-4062-a80f-7089f437d320 Charpentier Lucas on 03/Oct/24 17:28

This style relies on the mixin `.flat-buttons` which is used in multiple places. This mixin was introduced in as a way to factorize code. From its name and the description, it was used mostly to get nice looking default style buttons. My guess is that the gradient we used to have on them made them difficult to use anywhere, and this was a correct alternative that was used when in need of a nice looking default style.


cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-2a47c0eb-ab97-4062-a80f-7089f437d320 Charpentier Lucas on 03/Oct/24 17:35

This mixin is specific to XWiki and is not mentionned anywhere in the documentation (see

In my opinion we can consider that it was not part of a front end API (there never was one, but some styles are more critical for customizations).


Today and since we moved to flat buttons everywhere ( and XWIKI-21253 ), this mixin is completely useless. It only brings in inconsistency in the style and somewhat duplicated styles.


That's why I think the solution to this ticket should aim at removing the flat-buttons mixin altogether.