We can see on this video, at least for NVDA on Windows with Chrome 131, the tree can be navigated properly. Even though we can't browse it with tabs, it's okay since we can browse it with arrow keys. What would be important here is to let the user know of this special control pattern. As we can hear, there's no hint about how to control the tree when landing on it.
According to https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/ARIA1.html , the aria attribute that's the most suited for our use case of a complex interactive element that do not fit any standard pattern is `aria-describedby`.
Since we cannot expect the source library to change further on this, and adding a layer of javascript over it will be quite unstable and probably break some customizations, I'm in favor of solving this issue by providing a better description to assist to the use of this element (with aria-describedby).
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