Description: |
h3. Prerequisites: * XWiki instance with Tomcat servlet
* The "catalina.proprties" file has to have these lines of code {code:none} org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=false org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=false {code}
* Default Name Strategies in XWiki instance
h3. Steps to reproduce: # Create a page with slash or backslah in Confluence # Export it as XML package # Import this package in latest version of Confluence Migrator (for creation date of this ticket is 1.22.2) # After migration try to access the page
h3. Actual result
You The user can ' ll get 400 bad request error from Tomcat servlet t access the page due to a presence slash in the page reference "Test-Slash-Page / My Page.WebHome" h3. Expected result
The page can be accessed without errors because it will have its reference name "Test-Slash-Page My Page . WebHome". |