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Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-0ab7a1b9-033b-47aa-8fb2-99ff5562736e BVERSION-76 Open

Impossible to associate a full page to a variant

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-df4954d2-5df9-4256-bce4-8f5543a37339 Changes by Mathieu Pace on 03/Jan/25 17:37
Description: It's not possible to associate a page to a variant.

h1. Reproduction
# Have a book, with version and variants set
# Create a page
# Select a variant in the dropdown menu
# Open the "Versions" menu on the top right, and see that there is no way to link the page to the current selected variant

h1. Workaround
# Edit the page objects
# Add a VariantsListClass object
# Select the variants to which the page will be associated