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Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-2d698569-24ae-41cf-9243-ee6a1570a5b8 BVERSION-6 Open

Add book navigation panel

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-9df263c3-eb15-4478-8c9c-998e91a3525c Changes by Raluca Stavro on 13/Nov/24 09:00
Description: Add a navigation panel to display a navigation tree of only the content of the book, based on the version and variant selected (exclude from the document tree the pages that do not correspond to the selected version and variant) .

The panel should be displayed/injected only in versioned books.

The root of the tree should be the root of the book.

Hidden pages should not be displayed, because the content corresponding to versions are hidden pages that should not be exposed for navigation.