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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-be9a52b6-06f0-41d7-b95b-9dddc28c45db XWIKI-22293 Open

HTML error and non-rendered Velocity in export modal

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-d4b1b8bc-7244-4a93-a016-daf4f08dff51 JP Kleijn on 17/Jul/24 16:22

Hi Alex, I was not aware of that. Thanks for the heads up. Now that I read up on it I can only assume that the content within this block should not (yet) be shown to a user, regardless of the device/browser/screen reader they use.

My guess is that people at the WhatWG proposed this attribute to off-load the overburdened 'display'. In reality I think that adding all these tags and attributes makes the whole of internet pages eventually harder to spider. A living standard, really? I am beginning to understand Tim Berners Lee better and better in his choices for XHTML2 and the semantic web.