Refreshing the page of the publication job progress re-runs a publication, without any confirmation from or warning to the user
1 comment
Anca Luca on 02/Feb/25 23:57
A slight change of implementation should fix both this issue and BVERSION-125:
when a publication is launched, the form should be submitted with a POST
then this POST should take to a script that launches the publication job, obtains its id...
...and then redirects back to the publication configuration page, in view mode, with a job id as a parameter (a bit like what's done for the standard XWiki refactoring actions)
a button on this page allows to navigate back to the standard publication page when the job is done (or before?)
in order to display the progress, we can either:
have the handling of the job id parameter in the publication sheet
have a dedicated sheet that handles this, which is not bound to the publication but that is applied on demand upon publication (by passing a sheet=[...] parameter in the URL when we want to view the progress).
this sheet (dedicated or publication sheet) can also be used for handling the POST and launching the job from step 2
also, keep in mind that the launch of the job may fail at step 2 and if this happens, the user should find themselves in a place where they have a way out that is reasonable - link, breadcrumb, etc.
Work on this may be done as well with the implementation of the preview screen (BVERSION-81), so all is more or less related here.
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