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Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-b27530e7-7052-408f-9d03-d3fbd201ae4e BVERSION-148 Open

Add language selector on published books

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-c43ef792-ff38-4da7-9b10-6bafc0fea21b Josué Tille created this issue on 12/Feb/25 19:58
Summary: Add language selector on published books
Issue Type: cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-b27530e7-7052-408f-9d03-d3fbd201ae4e Improvement
Affects Versions: 1.0
Assignee: Unassigned
Created: 12/Feb/25 19:58
Priority: cid:jira-generated-image-static-major-f2268375-191a-4bb7-90d8-879951684216 Major
Reporter: Josué Tille

This is to add a language selector on the published book as same as for the master.