{ * } Prerequisites { * } : running local instance of XWiki 14.10.7 with completed Solr indexing job, any supported browser.
You don't need to be logged as admin.
{ * } Steps { * } : # Open page [ http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/AllDocs?view=tree ] # Type *Sandbox* in the search field of a tree, select Sandbox
{ * } Actual result { * } : The found page will be highlighted, but if you try to left-click on it, you will not be redirected to the Sandbox page. { * } Expected result { * } : By clicking the using left mouse button -click on the selected found page, the user forwards it.
{ * } Workaround { * } : You can open the page only from the context menu (right-click) in the same tab or a new tab.
The issue is not reproduced on XWiki 14.10.6 and older versions, but occurs starting with XWiki 14.10.7. |