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Change Request Application / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-8604a9ca-7ba0-49bb-bdc5-beeaf28cd740 CRAPP-347 Open

Cannot create change request with XWiki 15.5+

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-0fa34c69-11e5-4d52-b468-1e82cd55a772 Marius Dumitru Florea on 25/Jul/24 15:48

Simon Urli

the call for filling the content_syntax field is actually performed after the AJAX call for saving in 15.5, which explains the bug: the request is performed with partial info.

The value of content_syntax is set by updateFormDataBeforeSave which is called on xwiki:actions:beforeSave event which is triggered before the AJAX call. Unless your save is custom and for some reason the xwiki:actions:beforeSave event is not triggered?