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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-9c1a3695-e741-480f-8820-d5eaef330402 XWIKI-22868 In Progress

Impossible to display a log when one of the log arguments is a JSONObject

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-9750507d-9424-4521-acf6-e9919ed8df25 Thomas Mortagne created this issue on 09/Feb/25 18:15
Summary: Impossible to display a log when one of the arguments is a JSONObject
Issue Type: cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-9c1a3695-e741-480f-8820-d5eaef330402 Bug
Affects Versions: 16.10.3
Assignee: Unassigned
Components: Logging
Created: 09/Feb/25 18:15
Priority: cid:jira-generated-image-static-critical-7178c0d2-ad24-4161-831b-27b9e69089d4 Critical
Reporter: Thomas Mortagne

The log code is calling .id on each argument (just to see if it returns an id), which is a very bad way to identify what type of object it is...


6 updates

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-9750507d-9424-4521-acf6-e9919ed8df25 Changes by Thomas Mortagne on 09/Feb/25 18:15
Summary: Impossible to display a log when one of the log arguments is a JSONObject
Fix Version: 16.10.4
Fix Version: 17.1.0-rc-1
Description: The log code is calling .id on each argument (just to see if it returns an id), which is a very bad way to identify what type of object it is...

Need to completely rethink how the log displayer identify objects.
Assignee: Thomas Mortagne
Status: Open In Progress