There are 4 updates.
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Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-9bd635de-a626-46a4-a8c5-ec8a7d829a14 BVERSION-107

Remove the Include+ and Excerpt Include+ converters


4 updates

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-c6783dce-e699-4fab-90af-54fcdf7b821e Changes by Raluca Stavro on 22/Jan/25 07:42
Fix Version: 1.0
Description: Converting these macros could can lead to hybrid macros (macros that have non-existing/non-converted parameters) and it can also generate performance issues . For now, the best option is to remove these converters and in case it will be needed, a better solution for the conversion will be provided.
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Open Closed

Issue deleted

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-c6783dce-e699-4fab-90af-54fcdf7b821e Raluca Stavro has deleted this issue on 22/Jan/25 07:50