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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-55a33a5c-9260-4269-ab62-42dd9840c705 XWIKI-22644 Closed

Not all images are showing in the Pdf export

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-cc8e7a6b-139c-4c93-84bb-4b8281dfc3c9 Gabriela Anechitoaei on 15/Nov/24 16:27

Hello Marius Dumitru Florea!

The page provided was created by importing on XWiki 16.4.4 with LibreOffice 24.2.6 the following file 012-[FREE]-Several-Size-JPG-Images-SheetXLSX.xlsxlink_attachment_7.gif

We use this file in our LO testing and I didn't make any change to the content.


Preconditions: Have XWiki 16.4.4 with LibreOffice 24.2.6 configured and started.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click on Create
  2. Add a title and select Type "Page from Office" > Create
  3. Chose File > 012-[FREE]-Several-Size-JPG-Images-SheetXLSX.xlsxlink_attachment_7.gif
  4. Click on Import


Actual results: 42924_Results.jpg