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Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-4c3b9fe6-3bd1-43b2-9867-4ab9f31d70d0 BVERSION-163 Open

The inline variant macros result into block elements at publication

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-7df701ab-d3e8-43c8-b0bf-4d5573c588cf Changes by Raluca Stavro on 18/Feb/25 21:38
Description: If a page has the following content :

Content for variant {{variant name="Book.Variants.A"}}A{{/variant}}{{variant name="Book.Variants.B"}}B{{/variant}}

it will be published for Book with variant A as :

Content for variant


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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-7df701ab-d3e8-43c8-b0bf-4d5573c588cf Raluca Stavro on 18/Feb/25 21:46

One solution would be to use a placeholder macro that would hold the content of the source variant macro at publication and it will have the same display type as the source variant macro (inline / block).