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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-2f8156d4-6592-4261-8e8f-00e45f950f1b XWIKI-19189 Closed

Renaming a tree of pages that contain classes does not succeed although all pages with classes are selected to be moved.

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-beb50985-c849-48a6-92cc-24cd265463f3 Changes by Simon Urli on 18/Jul/24 11:16
Documentation in Release Notes: N/A
Documentation: N/A
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Labels: bugfixingday
Status: Open Closed

1 comment

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-beb50985-c849-48a6-92cc-24cd265463f3 Simon Urli on 18/Jul/24 11:16

Closing as cannot reproduce, I haven't been able to get same issue either with XWiki 13.9 or 15.10.11.
Here's the steps I used:

  • Logged in with Admin
  • Created a page MyPage
  • Created a page MyPage/SubPage
  • Created a page MyPage/SubPageXClass and added a String property in it
  • Created a page MyPage/SubPageXObject and added an object of type SubPageXClass
  • Tried to move MyPage to OtherPage
  • Clicked on "select all" when I get the questions about used xclass

In my case everything went well. I also tried to put the xobject in another hierarchy before performing the move, and the move worked properly too. Finally I also tried to select manually the page instead of clicking "select all", but without any difference.

Beat Burgener if it's still an issue for you, please reopen with indicating proper steps to reproduce the bug.