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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-d10795d5-886e-48c9-8a90-cf9743301727 XWIKI-22937 Open

lightbox.less is not cached

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-4dad4199-165e-4665-b079-4eaaa803ecad Changes by Manuel Leduc on 26/Feb/25 12:25
Description: h2. Reproduction steps
# Visit [http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/]
# open the browser debugger and make sure "disabled cache" is unchecked
# Click on Sandbox Test Page 1 to go to [http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/TestPage1]
# check the network tab

h2. Expected

[http://localhost:8080/xwiki/webjars/wiki%3Axwiki/xwiki-platform-image-lightbox-webjar/17.2.0-SNAPSHOT/less/lightbox.less?evaluate=true] is cached
h2. Actual

[http://localhost:8080/xwiki/webjars/wiki%3Axwiki/xwiki-platform-image-lightbox-webjar/17.2.0-SNAPSHOT/less/lightbox.less?evaluate=true] is not cached

Afaics this is only required for theme variables, which can now be
replace replaced with css CSS variables