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Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-b0965dcc-87be-423a-bba7-9268b0c5e00a BVERSION-114 Open

includeLibrary and variant macros do not display content

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-0a617b81-2395-44ea-8d5e-19d6448eb7fd Mathieu Pace created this issue on 24/Jan/25 15:32
Summary: includeLibrary and variant macros do not display content
Issue Type: cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-b0965dcc-87be-423a-bba7-9268b0c5e00a Bug
Assignee: Unassigned
Created: 24/Jan/25 15:32
Labels: priority
Priority: cid:jira-generated-image-static-major-559f792a-999d-4b94-936a-5c8f762c1ae8 Major
Reporter: Mathieu Pace

The includeLibrary and variant macro aren't displaying their content in some occasions.

It seems to happen after I install a new version of the extension (Use of the [XIP importer|], then update through the extension manager).

It doesn't happen after an instance restart, a full page refresh or a new user session.

Workaround: re-registering the macros by editing their page and saving them, without changing anything, solves the issue.


1 update

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-0a617b81-2395-44ea-8d5e-19d6448eb7fd Changes by Mathieu Pace on 24/Jan/25 15:34
Description: The includeLibrary and variant macro aren't displaying their content in some occasions.

It seems to happen after I install a new version of the extension (Use of the [XIP importer|
[ |, ] ] , then update through the extension manager).

It doesn't happen after an instance restart, a full page refresh or a new user session.

*Workaround:* re-registering the macros by editing their page and saving them, without changing anything, solves the issue.