There are 3 updates, 3 comments.
Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-af314ff6-c2f2-4b97-bbf6-5f2e5318e7aa BVERSION-52 Closed

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3 updates

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-a80fe9b5-b951-4dda-b9ed-f97c6093cbc4 Changes by Paul Pantiru on 21/Jan/25 10:14
Assignee: Paul Pantiru
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Open Closed


cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-a80fe9b5-b951-4dda-b9ed-f97c6093cbc4 Paul Pantiru on 21/Jan/25 10:15

The issue was fixed by commit ff245930f5f1bce65c5a5e85654eb2b09e5c7392

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-a80fe9b5-b951-4dda-b9ed-f97c6093cbc4 Paul Pantiru on 21/Jan/25 10:19
The issue was fixed by commit [ ff245930f5f1bce65c5a5e85654eb2b09e5c7392 |[|]]
cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-a80fe9b5-b951-4dda-b9ed-f97c6093cbc4 Paul Pantiru on 21/Jan/25 10:19
The issue was fixed by commit [ff245930f5f1bce65c5a5e85654eb2b09e5c7392| [|] ]