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Book Versions / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-8c671b5d-e3cb-4b25-ac93-5a0cec4d1fe4 BVERSION-8 Open

Add publication feature

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-e24ec98b-afdd-4afe-847a-48f84980f362 Mathieu Pace on 03/Jan/25 17:25
Added the actual publishing feature. Currently, it copies pages based on their version, variant, status, and marked as deleted. The versioned sub-pages are moved as the normal page. The master and published top page get metadata added.

What is does not do yet (might not be comprehensive list):
* does not care of the publish behaviour option. Right now it's an "update", but without removing marked as deleted pages.
* does not care of the publish order option. It's not done.
* does not care of the subspace creation option

* does not care of the variant feature to exclude or not pages not linked to the variant