I can reproduce the issue reliably the following way: * unpack a jetty-hsql instance with flavor preinstalled * disable the CSRF check for testing ( {{csrf.enabled = false}} in {{xwiki.properties}} ) * start the instance and install the Ratings Application * close the wiki for anonymous users * then from the commandline try: {{(wget -q -S -O /dev/null --http-user=Admin --http-password=admin --post-data='vote=2&doc=xwiki%3ASandbox.TestPage1' 'http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/get/XWiki/Ratings/RatingsUIX?basicauth=1')& (wget -q -S -O /dev/null --http-user=Admin --http-password=admin --post-data='vote=4&doc=xwiki%3ASandbox.TestPage1' 'http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/get/XWiki/Ratings/RatingsUIX?basicauth=1')&}}
I have been able to reproduce the issue for all three sandbox test pages.
Here is a snippet to check for duplicate rating entries: {code} #set($data = $services.ratings.getCurrentUserRatings(0, 1000, true)) #set ($resultMap = {}) #foreach ($rating in $data) #set($hash = "${rating.managerId}${rating.reference}") ## note: user is always the same here #set ($rating2 = $resultMap.get($hash)) #if ($rating2 != $NULL) * duplicate rating $rating / $rating2 #else #set($discard = $resultMap.put($hash, $rating)) ## for debugging ## * existing rating $rating #end #end { / code}
Unfortunately I have not found a good way to remove these duplicate entries, except for deleting and restoring the affected page. |