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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-a0bf4b40-6e4f-42b2-933f-3e631935527e XWIKI-20732 Open

Whitespaces in the filenames proposed by the export tools are replaced with + signs

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-d2b7686c-c445-4d73-80f1-e1a6a539466c Anca Luca on 17/Jul/24 09:03

Gabriela Anechitoaei thank you for the test results on this, with the other export formats.

Are there any open tickets for the other exports ? (similar to this one and to XWIKI-20731 ). If so, can you link them to this issue, maybe?

if not, can you open them, as the problem is very similar and would need to be fixed in the other exports as well.