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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-a20a312a-ba3f-4603-8a7d-01c6be96315e XWIKI-22923 Open

Missing warning message for application pages during editing mode

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Issue created

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-80d5a683-4f1a-437f-9f66-148c33e3c69e Nikita Petrenko created this issue on 24/Feb/25 14:10
Summary: Missing warning message for application pages during editing mode
Issue Type: cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-a20a312a-ba3f-4603-8a7d-01c6be96315e Bug
Affects Versions: 17.1.0-rc-1
Assignee: Unassigned
Components: Skin - UI
Created: 24/Feb/25 14:10
Labels: ui usability
Priority: cid:jira-generated-image-static-blocker-f5dd5729-fa71-4256-b334-984297b29e31 Blocker
Reporter: Nikita Petrenko

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log in as an XWiki Admin user.
  2. Navigate to any application page (e.g., "CKEditor.WebHome").
  3. Trigger inline editing.

Actual result

The warning message does not fully indicate that this page belongs to the CKEditor extension.

Expected result

The warning message should clearly state that the page is part of the CKEditor extension.


The issue isn't reproducible on XWiki 16.10.4.


2 updates

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-41188903-b03f-45e8-90d5-1ea62902f03a Changes by Simon Urli on 24/Feb/25 14:11
Version: 17.0.0
Labels: regression ui usability