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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-9d29476b-8813-4427-a3ad-b9008dd34766 XWIKI-10126 Open

Page copy: add an option to prevent copying source page history

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-4531b566-3bf9-4b0b-88a2-f845d3369cf1 Vincent Massol on 26/Jul/24 10:42

Technically the issue is that is calling ModelBridge#copy() at and ModelBridge#copy() doesn't support a "reset" parameter and thus always calls XWki#copyDocument passing true for the "reset" parameter, see

So we need to do 3 things:

  • Add a reset parameter in ModelBridge
  • Add some methods in CopyRequest to define if copying the history should be done or not
  • Expose the option in the UI (to be decided if that's for everyone or only for advanced users - I'd not copy the history by default and allow advanced users to have the option to copy the history)