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XWiki Rendering / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-09141e74-9bbc-429b-b0a8-82c05d4a6a17 XRENDERING-771 Open

Null pointer exception when list items occur without lists

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Issue created

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-5897237f-c827-479f-9eff-5b0a88cb7118 Michael Hamann created this issue on 23/Jan/25 17:53
Summary: Null pointer exception when list items occur without lists
Issue Type: cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-09141e74-9bbc-429b-b0a8-82c05d4a6a17 Bug
Affects Versions: Rendering in the platform
Assignee: Unassigned
Components: API
Created: 23/Jan/25 17:53
Priority: cid:jira-generated-image-static-major-e07f85bd-3e29-4724-b793-280a95bb038f Major
Reporter: Michael Hamann

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Render content in a parser that produces list items without wrapping lists, see CONFLUENCE-379 to XWiki syntax or plain text

Expected result:

The output might be broken, but rendering shouldn't crash.

Actual result:

Rendering fails with a null pointer exception.


1 update

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-5897237f-c827-479f-9eff-5b0a88cb7118 Changes by Michael Hamann on 23/Jan/25 17:53
Assignee: Michael Hamann