Branch: refs/heads/CRISTAL-212
Commit: 71e4e0493e9668263b826bd54fc49c591ef4bf34…
Author: Thiago Krieck <thiago.krieck(a)>
Date: 2024-07-17 (Wed, 17 Jul 2024)
Changed paths:
M ds/shoelace/src/vue/css/style.css
M ds/vuetify/src/vue/css/style.css
M skin/src/vue/c-right-sidebar.vue
M skin/src/vue/c-sidebar.vue
M skin/src/vue/c-view.vue
Log Message:
CRISTAL-212: Make embedding less prone to CSS conflits
* Refactor left sidebar to main sidebar to better support rtl languages sematics
* Improved grid layout on c-view.vue to use named grid template areas
* Adds support for header on the layout
* Adds support for bottom panes on the main content
Commit: 9213ca8bd109931af21f60b96332cfd1ae4e7409…
Author: Thiago Krieck <thiago.krieck(a)>
Date: 2024-07-17 (Wed, 17 Jul 2024)
Changed paths:
M editors/tiptap/src/vue/c-edit-tiptap.vue
M skin/src/vue/c-content.vue
M skin/src/vue/c-view.vue
Log Message:
CRISTAL-212: Make embedding less prone to CSS conflicts
* Refactored css class names
* Largely simplified layout rules, based on css grid now
* Removal of several html elements used previously only for styling
Commit: 53f032fbac702d1378bf3d087a651c38236a91a0…
Author: Thiago Krieck <thiago.krieck(a)>
Date: 2024-07-17 (Wed, 17 Jul 2024)
Changed paths:
M skin/src/vue/c-content.vue
M skin/src/vue/c-view.vue
Log Message:
CRISTAL-212: Make embadding less prone to CSS conflicts
* Removal of unused CSS classes
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