Hi Tharindu,

On Jun 5, 2007, at 5:34 PM, tharindu jayasuriya wrote:

Hi all,

I'm working on developing a plug-in for eclipse that would allow XWiki to integrate seamlessly with the development environment (as part of GSoC2007). I have investigated TimTam which is a similar plug-in. The major issue i need to clarify is what sort of integration would be necessary, displaying XWiki pages within a browser widget inside eclipse environment seems quite straight forward, but this would simply mean that I have eliminated the requirement for an external browser. On the other hand TimTam provides a tree navigation function which is quite handy; is it possible to have this kind of a functionality with XWiki ? or else, is there a better way to do this ?

The integration I have in mind uses XWiki's XML RPC interface for performing the actions. The IDE would provide the UI for the actions, navigation, etc. One key feature we need is (as in TimTam) the ability to find directly the document to view/edit without navigating through links AND the ability to work offline (as in TimTam - You download the page which you then edit in disconnected mode in your browser and save later on - The ability to automatically save the page locally would be nice to have too).

What would be nice is if you could prepare a document listing the user stories/requirements for this editor. That could be a good start for a discussion and I think we need this before jumping in the implementation details. We could then do some planning and set some shared expectations.

Some UI mock ups would be nice too.


Thanks a lot for working on this! I'm very excited by this feature

The related JIRA issue is,



- Tharindu.