
I'd like to release XEclipse 1.0M1.

Release notes:

** New Feature
    * [XECLIPSE-1] - Navigate the Documents tree and viewing XWiki pages.
    * [XECLIPSE-2] - Delete existing pages/spaces
    * [XECLIPSE-3] - Login to xwiki from Eclipse and import spaces selectively
    * [XECLIPSE-9] - Edit and Save pages
    * [XECLIPSE-10] - Add new pages/spaces

** Task
    * [XECLIPSE-11] - Clean up source code and apply XWiki development practices
    * [XECLIPSE-12] - Create Maven2 build for the Eclipse integration
    * [XECLIPSE-20] - Write a quick installation and using page for XEclipse
    * [XECLIPSE-25] - Move XEclipse to xwiki-extensions/ and out of the Sandbox

Here's my +1

The list being down I'll take the risk of releasing it without more votes... I think we have already all agreed we wanted that release to happen ASAP.

In addition, I've pinged on IRC and I got 3 +1:
- Sergiu
- Catalin
- Stephane
