Thanks Radu for your indications!
While checking the M2_REPO variable, I realized that I have only one root java project (named XWikiLocal, for which the variable is ok), with one folder for platform-core, another for platform-web, etc.. Should I have one separate project for each one of them? And should I import each one manually or there's an automatic way to do this?
Concerning the modules, I don't really know which ones I might need, but even if I import only platform-core I get more than 10000 errors :(
I tried using mvn compile but didn't change the number of errors..
With mvn:install on the XWikiLocal directory, I got "Build Successful" in the end, but consulting the detail I can see that only the five "Platform-Tools-xxx" got the success message. I put -e and found that the first error occurs when it arrives to the core:
[INFO] Failed to construct build plan for: com.xpn.xwiki.platform:xwiki-core:jar
:1.2-SNAPSHOT ( task-segment: [install] ). Reason: Failed to load plugin: Plugi
n [org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin]. Reason: Failed to load plu
gin. Reason: The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin ' does
not exist or no valid version could be found
Where can I get "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin"?
I really appreciate if you could lead me in the right direction... as I must deliver my thesis report next month ;)
Best wishes,