On 8/24/07, xwicaforrica@gmail.com <xwicaforrica@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Radu for your indications!

While checking the M2_REPO variable, I realized that I have only one root java project (named XWikiLocal, for which the variable is ok), with one folder for  platform-core, another for platform-web, etc.. Should I have one separate project for each one of them? And should I import each one manually or there's an automatic way to do this?

Concerning the modules, I don't really know which ones I might need, but even if I import only platform-core I get more than 10000 errors :(
I tried using mvn compile but didn't change the number of errors..

With mvn:install on the XWikiLocal directory, I got "Build Successful" in the end, but consulting the detail I can see that only the five "Platform-Tools-xxx" got the success message. I put -e and found that the first error occurs when it arrives to the core:

Check this out first, regarding ~/.m2/settings.xml http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Building . You need to put the settings listed there into your settings.xml to get the repository right, so it can download what it needs while it builds. Also, you will run into some build errors related to memory/heapspace later unless you set export "MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx200m" for JVM heap space - set this in my ~/.profile for export (unix system - mac) but in windows you can set it by right click my computer > properties > advanced > environment variables and set up a new variable for your user, or for the entire machine (but i gues you should know how to do that :) )

[INFO] Failed to construct build plan for: com.xpn.xwiki.platform:xwiki-core:jar
:1.2-SNAPSHOT (  task-segment: [install] ). Reason: Failed to load plugin: Plugi
n [org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin]. Reason: Failed to load plu
gin. Reason: The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin ' does
not exist or no valid version could be found

Where can I get "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin"?

I really appreciate if you could lead me in the right direction... as I must deliver my thesis report next month ;)

Best wishes,


If you need any further assistance, just get back to the mailing list with the questions.
Have a nice day,