Hi All,

I'm still about to look into swizzle. What's surprising is that myself and tharindu has implemented a little swizzle proxy ourselves (it seems like that). It's bit disappointing that we have re-invented something already there. Anyway, i'm concerned if we have to change a lot of code in XEclipse to use swizzle (ex. dump our domain model and use swizzle's own) - will get back once i have gone through swizzle code.


- Asiri

ps : I agree that it's better to use a standard (swizzle) than creating our own (what we have done).

On 8/27/07, Catalin Hritcu <catalin.hritcu@gmail.com> wrote:
Should have hit reply-to all :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Catalin Hritcu <catalin.hritcu@gmail.com>
Date: Aug 27, 2007 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: XEclipse 1.0M1 will only work for xwiki-core-1.1M4 (but
not for xwiki-core-1.2-SNAPSHOT)
To: Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net>

Hi Vincent,

Thought about it a little more.

On 8/27/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 2007, at 2:35 PM, Catalin Hritcu wrote:
> > Hi Vincent,
> >
> > On 8/27/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:
> >> Hi Catalin,
> >>
> >> On Aug 27, 2007, at 12:07 PM, Catalin Hritcu wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>> Until now I have refrained from making API breaking changes in
> >>> XML-RPC
> >>> in order to keep compatibility with XEclipse. However, these changes
> >>> are necessary and cannot be delayed forever, so after the release of
> >>> XEclipse 1.0M1 (scheduled for today) XEclipse 1.0-SNAPSHOT will need
> >>> to be moved to swizzle-confluence. I volunteer to make this change
> >>> happen in the XEclipse trunk once XEclipse 1.0M1 is released.
> >>>
> >>> To sum things up:
> >>> - XEclipse 1.0M1 will only work for xwiki-core-1.1M4 (and all the
> >>> remaining releases on the 1.1 branch)
> >>> - XEclipse 1.0M2 will only work for xwiki-core-1.2M1 or later
> >>>
> >>> WDYT ?
> >>
> >> I think it's important that XEclipse 1.0M2 (and thus XEclipse 1.0)
> >> also work with XWiki 1.1 since XWiki 1.2 is not going to be released
> >> and in use for several months while we're just releasing XWiki 1.1.
> >>
> > Why is not enough for XEclipse 1.0M1 to work with XWiki 1.1? If by the
> > time XEclipse 1.0M2 is released the first milestone for XWiki 1.1 is
> > already available, then I really don't see a problem.
> What I mean is that XEclipse 1.0M1, 1.0M2 or even XEclipse 1.0 final
> should work with XWiki 1.1 and not only with XWiki 1.2.
> >> So I'm +1 to use sizzle but also to keep some "compatibility layer"
> >> in XEclipse so that it also works with XWiki 1.1 final.
> >>
> >> Is that possible?
> >>
> > Maybe it's possible, but it's against the very purpose of this change.
> > The purpose of this change proposal was to simplify the whole thing
> > and remove the duplication (and triplication in many places). A
> > "compatibility layer" would only make things worse here = more complex
> > and error prone. There are already too many layers. I think we should
> > not stifle progress for bug-per-bug,
> > lack-of-feature-per-lack-of-feature backwards compatibility. The most
> > you can get out of the XWiki 1.1 XML-RPC is already exploited in
> > XEclipse 1.0M1, and will definitely(!) not be enough very soon. Change
> > is unavoidable.
> It's only a question of how of migration. I really think we want
> people to use XEclipse with XWiki 1.1 and not have to wait 4 months
> before being able to try it out...
We might be able to do this only with swizzle itself as the
"compatibility layer". One of the features I added in my last patch to
swizzle allows us to select the way conversion is done for non-string
types. This together with a working getServerInfo function (both on
trunk and branch) and some code that makes a distinction on the client
could give us compatibility with both xwiki 1.1 and 1.2.

I'll look more into it,