### ### Main "edit" template ### ### General wrapper for edit actions ### ## ## Determine what editor to show ## $xwiki.jsfx.use('js/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js') $xwiki.jsfx.use('js/xwiki/actionbuttons/actionButtons.js', true) #if("$!editor" == '') #set($editor = $request.getParameter('editor')) #if("$!editor" == '') #if(($xwiki.getUserPreference('editor') == 'Wysiwyg') && ($doc.SyntaxId != 'xwiki/1.0' || !$doc.isAdvancedContent())) #set($editor = 'wysiwyg') #else #set($editor = 'wiki') #end #end #end ## ## "Compute" the title ## #set($title = $xwiki.parseContent($msg.get('editpageTitle'))) ## ## Header ## #template("xwikivars.vm") #template("layoutvars.vm") #template("htmlheader.vm") #template("header.vm") #template("menuedit.vm") #if($editor == 'wiki' || $editor == 'wysiwyg')
## Pass the section number when the form is submitted in order to affect only the specified section. ## We need to test if the section number is present to prevent a NumberFormatException for the empty string. #if("$!{request.section}" != '') #end ## This input is used by the full screen widget: it stores the selector of the maximized element, so that the full screen can be restored when coming back from preview. #end ## ## Content ## #set($force = $!request.get('force')) #if (($tdoc.getLocked()==true)&&(!$force))
$response.setStatus(423) #xwikimessageboxstart($msg.get('notice') "$msg.get('doclockedby') $xwiki.getLocalUserName($doc.getLockingUser())") $msg.get('forcelock') #xwikimessageboxend()
#if($editor == 'wiki' || $editor == 'wysiwyg') #set($docTitle = $request.getParameter('title')) #if("$!docTitle" == '') #set($docTitle = $!tdoc.title) #end #end #template("editmodes.vm") #template("edit${editor}.vm")
## alleditcontent
## editcolumn
## leftsidecolumns #template("editpanels.vm")
## xwikieditorinner #end ## ## Footer ##
## xwikieditor #if($editor == 'wiki' || $editor == 'wysiwyg')
#end #template("footer.vm") #template("htmlfooter.vm")