Hi all,

In the page http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Snippets/GeneratePdfForChildrenPagesSnippet I read:

Since XWiki 1.2 it's possible to export several pages as PDF or RTF, using the currently undocumented includechilds=1, includelinks=1 and pagebreaks=1 request parameters. See XWIKI-1289 to follow the status on this.

I see in the menuview.vm the code

#submenuitem($doc.getURL("export", "format=pdf&$docvariant") $msg.get("core.menu.export.pdf"))

to compile the request URL and I find the variable $docvariant set in xwikivars.vm
## Check revision option
#if ($request.rev)

Can someone help me to find where to put includechilds=1 to make it icluded in the link?
