
I've started doing the exercise of breaking up XWiki Enterprise (aka the default wiki) into applications. Here's what I came up with:

 Administration Application
User and Group management, etc

Blog Application

Calendar Application

Class Wizard Application

Help Application
Wiki Syntax Sheet and potentially other pages to help the user with his wiki.

Navigation Application
All pages that make it easy to navigate in a Wiki.
Includes What's New, Orphaned Pages, All Docs, Space Index, Dashboard, RSS feeds for new pages/modified pages/comments.

Photo Album Application

Presentation Application

Search Application

Tag Application

Of course there also some documents in the Enterprise wiki that don't belong to an application as they are specific (for example the Main.WebHome page).

I have created these components in JIRA for the http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XE project. In the future the idea is to move these applications in SVN (as it's currently done for the Panels and Selenium applications) and to create separate JIRA project for them.

Have I missed an application? WDYT?
