On Jan 22, 2008 11:39 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your XEN ICT Team <webmaster@xen.net> wrote:
justanotheradress wrote
>> I miss the part how to get it working with Apache and a Domain Name. In the
>> example is only "localhost" mentioned and I struggle there.
Localhost can be replaced by any host name, yourcomputer.yourdomain.com,
resolved by a DNS (domain name server) or simply include in the host
file of your system. But you can skip this part until you have a running
system accessible at http://localhost/xwiki/...

This part has nothing to do with XWiki by itself but with general
Internet functioning issues.
>> I don't know how
>> I can properly connect Apache with Tomcat.

Forget about it at the moment. If you have a running Tomcat instance it
will probably be accessible at http://localhost:8080. The number after :
is the port number at witch the standalone Tomcat http server is running.
>> Further I don't know where to put
>> xwiki exactly...I have some concerns about security...

As you are running Tomcat as a servlet container, xwiki must be copied
to your /webapps folder. If you have installed Tomcat by yourself, you
must know where its folder is. It could be under /usr/share, or under
/Library/Tomcat,... I've no Debian distribution running here. Sorry.

As per security: concerns about security can be as bigger as you want!!!
Physical security? Logical security? Encryption? Users management?...
Once again, I will delay this issue until you gain some experience
working with a local installation. If you have a Firewall installed,
probably nobody can access your 8080 port from the Internet.

I think you could follow this thread at the users list. This devs one is
devoted to developing aspects with witch your doubts has few or nothing
to do.

Hope this helps,


Ok, I'll try that. Thanks Ricardo!