Regarding JIRA issue XE-143 :

Which skin file would you need to edit in order to add buttons for removing an object property in the class editor ?

The following Velocity command works :


But I dont know how to get the class defined in a document. I know how to get the class of an object attached to a document, but not the class defined in a document.
If I get an answer, I can add this information to the Velocity API guide in
Maybe it s also possible to add "remove" buttons for each existing property in the class editor.

Let me know your thoughts,
Thanks !

Jean-Vivien MAURICE
Elève Ingénieur Informatique et Gestion, Polytech'Montpellier (ISIM)
E-mail :
Tél. : 0046 7 62 33 20 46
Skype : jean.vivien